Legal Project Management

Request a project manager to help you find the perfect attorney so you can use your time doing things you like

Advantages of using our legal project management services

Increased Transparency and Improvement in Legal Services Rendered

When firms and their attorneys communicate better, many improvements occur such as a better understanding of what clients need and what attorneys deliver. Reducing and eliminating any misunderstandings between the two groups helps clients to get delivery of their much needed services faster and without the need to review or petition for reduced costs with attorneys or aw firms down he line For many international firims assistive services in this area help to curtail reducn

Better Understanding of Legal Budgets and Control of Project Costs

Utilizing Legal Project Management, firms can better understand what they need, how to achieve their goals, and a better understanding of the costs involved. Better understanding and preparation for such legal needs and costs helps to prevent unknown costs and over budgeting.

Increased Trust, Resulting in Better Performance, Reliability, and Growth

Management teams work hard to continue their firm’s growth and make sure that no interruptions occur during these critical times. When legal needs, both procedural, and or relating to potential litigation occur, management teams move fast to figure the issues out. Juristerra’s Legal Project Managers assist these teams, regardless of size, to quickly communicate their needs and make sure no billing or legal mishaps occur that might hinder their projects.

Be one of the few to start using our platform before anyone else!

How it Works

  • 1

    Request project manager

    You submit a request via our website.

  • 2

    We contact you

    We contact you to discuss your needs.

  • 3

    We search our network

    We help find you an attorney from our networks. We then help guide and connect everyone together.

  • 4

    Find best match

    Once you approve the fees, we start working on your project with the attorney.

  • 5

    Determine fees

    Once sections of the project is completed, attorneys will upload an invoice. Simply make payments using our secure payments portal.

  • 6

    Work on your projects

    We complete project to your satisfaction.

Frequently asked questions

A legal project manager (LPM) helps clients with finding attorneys, guiding them with cases, finalizing all case prices and much more
Yes, there is a fee. To understand more about our plan, please contact us at
Yes, you can request a Legal Project Manager anytime you want that fits into your timeline.

Have more unanswered questions? Feel free to contact us via email at or call us at (123) 123-1232